Halcyon secures planning consent for Woking’s first coliving project

UK: Halcyon development Partners has secured consent from Woking Borough Council for there town’s first coliving development.

Halcyon and JRL Group Ltd are set top deliver the scheme at 3 to 12 High Street. Designed by Assael Architecture, the 17-storey scheme will utilise volumetric construction to provide 329 coliving units alongside a range of shared indoor and outdoor spaces.

At ground level, the development will provide a new home for local charitable organisation The Lighthouse Woking.

Construction work is due to start next year.

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I’m returning from Recharge 2025, an incredible event organised by IHM in the vibrant city of Porto. A heartfelt thank you for curating such a thoughtful event packed with valuable insights and inspiring content.

Filipa Letitão de Aguiar, Founder and CEO, Rent4Rest

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